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Jonathan Swift created the race of Yahoos in order to portray the corruption of human society.

One thing that Swift pointed out was how “unteachable” the Yahoos are. A remarkable observation, especially since we regard ourselves as highly intelligent beings. The corruption of society therein lies in our inability to learn from our mistakes. For example if fighting is bad, why keep repeating the vicious cycle?

Another thing Swift pointed out was the passionately wild sexual drive of the Yahoos. As with the membership of the Ashley Madison website, Yahoos are not capable of controlling their sexual desires.

Human society is corrupt and self-impose such vices as lust, envy, and fighting. Human society suffers from that corruption but it does not remain unanswered, for there is an equivalent demonstration of humility, faithfulness, and friendship. Like ying and yang, to every bad quality an equally opposite good quality balances the society.

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Houyhnhnm Society

The Houyhnhnms have arranged marriages to preserve the Houyhnhnm race from degenerating. When raising children, they only feed them and themselves natural foods, provide equivalent education for both genders, teach the importance of exercise, cleanliness, keeping a cool mind-set, and contributing back to society.

In terms of Reason, the measures taken to marry and raise children are logical. However, this advantageous mind-set is that of a utopian society free of malice, vices, and fighting.

In terms of Passion/Emotion, these measures are callous and unfriendly in a society that prides itself a Principal Virtue of Benevolence/Friendship. This reasonable society has its good qualities but is also bad without emotion, it’s a catch-22. You can’t live the Houyhnhnm society and be friendly without having created a bond through emotions.